Your 18 pounds and 28.5 inches long. Your holding steady as a shrimp, which is so funny because I swore you were a sumo-baby. I guess the constant motion is making your blubber burn away. It's hard to part with the chub, but you keep in it the best places, your cheeks and your thighs; you are so my kid.
You have two teeth and you are kickin' ass on some more. You work so hard to get those things to come through. Proof would be the amount of drool someone as tiny as you can produce. It's pretty incredible. I'm so not a fan of bodily fluids; that phrase bodily fluids is just gross, ew. But slobbery kisses from you are an afternoon delight!
You crawl on all fours, but you haven't become a speed crawler just yet. Not Max McQueen in this house people. You much prefer to stand against the coffee table or couch and squeal with proud delight as your reach one of your brother's prized possession toys he used to have out of reach, not anymore big bro.You are a thumb sucker, a sippy cup thrower and a fruit loop tyrant. You squirm out of most diaper changes and have quite a (randomly seen) temper. You don't really throw fits but you are incredibly stubborn; you hold your ground. I can't wait to see how that goes over when your two. Ha!
You sleep wonderfully, in your own crib, in your own room, and for ten whole days, well nights (and counting!) you've successfully stayed asleep from 7:30pm until the sun is up. It is a beautiful thing this sleeping through the night business. I think parents (mostly mom's) forget how awesome a full nights sleep really is; you tend to get all survival mode when you have a newborn and then your so used to it by the time you kid is a few months old you are praying for just one night feeding instead of four. If your 7 or 8 month old is still waking you are so strung out on coffee that you don't give a damn. So even though you took nine FULL months of waking up every night, thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting the sleep thing down. It rocks. Like you.
You eat sand and leaves like they're a fine delicacy and definitely despise Gerber meats. I can't blame you; canned meat is a funky's just not right people. I mean how do those Gerber employs stand to package those little hot dog knockoffs without puking all day? The smell alone makes you turn away. Stubbornness kicks in about now. Thankfully you stand your ground, because I've tried at least six different meat meals and they are all equally jiggly and smelly; I can't believe I was so persistent. Sorry Max, never again will I serve you canned meat. Never.
Your favorite toy is the TV remote and I've heard it's one of a household's dirtiest items. Awesome. You also really love mama's cell phone (which is probably not very clean). Fake cell phones will not suffice; get that Fisher Price flip phone OUT of my face. Immediately or this well-tempered, perfect-baby you are claiming to have will lose his shit. Got it mom? Ok, I get it. You know what's funny is not even old, deactivated, but still very real cell phones trick infants.
You love baths. You love being held. You're still not a fan of your car seat, even the big boy one, but you've thankfully given up the screaming-for-an-entire-car-ride phase. Hallelujah for that. Because a human is only capable of listening to a child scream for so long, before wanting to drive chopsticks in to their own ears. And you can only blast Kesha and Miley Cyrus (per Mason's request) for so long before wanting to repeat those actions with a new pair of chopsticks.
You have dimples and you still have ''stork-bit'' eyelids. Your blue birthmark, right above your adorable butt is still there too. I love all those things about you. You've moved up to a size 4 Pamper. Hello bootylicious.Your belly laugh is contagious. It's an immediate pick me up and an instant smile for all those who hear it. Your hair is thick and darker than everyone's (but it's a close to to Daddy's). I think I'm spotting some wispy curls in the back too, they're horribly adorable. If you keep them long, it could get dangerous, you may never get a haircut.
Happy nine months Maximo. You are you. You is perfect. More and more perfect each and every month. I love you baby boy.