Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday 10.

I originally planned to write this post on Tuesday. But really, I typed most of it on Wednesday. I ended up having to change the post title three times - you get the drift right? Dang. I am bad with deadlines. I am busy. Okay, TRUTH. I am a huge procrastinator. There I said it. At least I had good intentions. Right? That's what really matters. Those intentions were to blog blissful nothings about my Tuesday Thursday.

1.  I really didn't want to "overdo" Christmas for the boys this year. I had plans to stick to minimal gifts; I even tossed around the idea of the 'a want', 'a need' & 'a read' type of gifts. It's not that I don't love gifts. I really do. I actually prefer GIVING gifts then getting them also. Especially for my kids. Except you see, my kids don't even play with toys. They would rather play with an old flashlight, vintage harmonica and a random measuring tape. Not real toys. We actually have bins full, they overflow. It's sickening. And most of them aren't ever touched. So when I walk up and down the aisles of Toys R Us aimlessly (Man is that place a cluster f*$# or WHAT?), I think a lot of toys are cute. And probably really neat. And I admit, I know my kids would love opening/receiving them. But then in less then a week, we'd be missing half the pieces and in two weeks, I'd be bagging them up to donate. Well, my plan went haywire. I'm afraid we overdid Christmas. Again.

2. I got an hour massage today. It was awesome. Apparently, I'm stressed and I didn't even know it. So says, my shoulders. I've decided that I am going to make a huge jug of cucumber water for my house, so that I can pretend I'm always at the spa. Even amongst the unruliness.

3. It's been raining so much lately. It's also really cold. Wet, freezing weather is the brewing of the perfect storm when you have children full of energy. Memo to self: you live in the age of technology. GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND. YOUR VERY BEST FRIEND INDEED.

INDOOR ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS....they really do exist.

4. Alexander is at this really adorable stage lately. I love mostly everything he is doing these days (except waking up throughout the night like a newborn still, umm yeah). BUT MY FAVORITE....after bath, I take him upstairs all lotioned and jammied up (my euphoria). Smelling delicious I snuggle him in his rocker. We rock, I sometimes hum a little lullaby. He nurses and pats my collarbone, he looks at me and coyly grins. Then it happens. We begin to hear pitter patter of little feet the stampede of his older brothers coming up for bedtime stories. He knows it's them, to be sure. But, he has to double check. He quickly unlatches, squirms his warm little body to sit upward on my lap, tilts his little head and peers over his shoulder. Both boys barge through his door, giggling, breathing loudly and he lights up. The minute they leave he's back to nursing peacefully. He's so nosy. It's the cutest thing EVER.

5. I should really buy a highchair. We got rid of it after Max outgrew it. Highchairs are my very least favorite piece of baby equipment. They are bulky and obnoxious and oh, the crevices where food can be lodged. *gag* Most of our meals, look at little like this.

6. I burned a batch of bacon the other night, attempting this awesome new recipe we are calling eggy-toast-cups. I swear I can still smell it. I love all things bacon, allegedly. Minus the stench of a burnt batch.

7. I successfully wrapped all of the boys' (or is it boy's?) Christmas presents. *sigh of relief* I cannot wait for the excitement that will erupt in my living room on Christmas morning!!!

8. I'm still randomly finding stacks of Christmas cards. Already sealed in envelopes and addressed. They were just hidden or perhaps misplaced on their way out the door. Oops. So, here is it for the world to see.

Christmas Card 2011 front

Christmas card 2011 back
If I forgot you, I'm sorry. If your card is in the stack still hiding, I'm really sorry. But we hope your Christmas is awesome all the same. ;)

9. The piles of laundry are slowly dwindling. I think I only have 12 9 4 loads to go. It's a true Christmas miracle.

10. If there was any question who AQ looked like. The mystery has been solved.

SEND IN THE CLONE!!! I shall call him....Mini Me.

Happy Thursday!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas program.

Mason had his Christmas program last week. (Can you believe I'm already blogging it? I know me neither.)

It was well orchestrated. It was quick. It was one of the most adorable things I've ever seen. And it was the last preschool holiday program he'll ever be in.


Sometimes I think I cannot believe he is about to turn FIVE. That's a whole hand. That is SO old. Especially when I a picture like this.

Then I see pictures like this.

And I die.

A thousand deaths of holy cuteness. The preciousness oozing from that little face. Ohmygod.

He is so little still. Really, just a little peanut. He's well over three feet, but oddly enough he is nowhere close to four feet yet.

He rocked out to Rudolph. He practiced diligently the entire week before. He did it while (he thought) no one was watching. He did it on the way to school in the car. He did it right before bed. He wanted to be ready for the crowds, to sing it just perfectly. And oh, he did.

I love the way he glanced proudly in to the church pews. Smiling though his bright little eyes. And then he waved. Not just to anyone, but to me. And he flashed his smile, dimples and all. Slid his tongue across his teeth. A Mason-trademark of excitement.

 And I was reminded once again, just what a small little guy he is. He has come a long way since this time last year. He isn't painfully shy, but he occasionally tugged at the bottom of his shirt, like a little flashback to the coyness he's possessed all along.

That sweet, shy smile, that off beat performance, that little holiday carol. It's going down with Rudolph, in history.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I can't believe the things I find myself saying lately.


"We do not put our wenis on the dinner table." In case you thought that wasn't an obvious fact of life/rule/common sense, well in our house it is not. At least when your are two ("annna haveeeeeeeee") Seriously.

"Your undies do not belong on your head."

"Stop touching (insert anybody's name) nipples."

"Get the toothbrush out of your pants."

"Glow sticks do not belong in your ears. Or your nose."

"I will give you chocolate and donuts for breakfast -  if you stay in your bed." Usually quickly followed up by..."Seriously, I swear if you get out of this bed again you will not get to go to school tomorrow." Memo to self: you are punishing but NOBODY. But maybe yourself.

"No weapons allowed at nap time."

"No licking the elf."

"Cookie monster is pretend sweetie. He doesn't really want to eat your cookie."

"I know you really want to take a bath, but it's past bedtime. You can take a bath on Friday." My 4 year old actually replied very in super whine "Buuuuuttttttaaaaa we neverrrrr take bathssss". LIE. No one even wants a bath unless it's bedtime!

"Do not bite your brother."

"Take Batman out of your cereal."

Things have been super exciting and chaotic around our house lately. Most days I find myself thinking is this for real, like is this really happening?

And it is.  
