Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the sharpie bandit.

I have heard stories about those kids. The ones who search cabinet after cabinet for cleaning products to destroy/empty/ingest, the kids who find the one not proofed electric socket in your house for their tiny little finger, the ones who empty drawers, color on walls, the ones who scream and refuse a restaurant highchair, rip pages out of books, throw food and tantrums daily. I didn't really believe these kids existed. More that it was some evil way to prevent people from every choosing to become parents in fear of having one of the those banchee babies. Max is one of those kids.

Max searches out the sockets for his fingers, he happily will take a DVD from it's case just to run it across the tile and destroy it, he will find your keys high and almost out of reach and forever rid of them. He's one of them. His newest title is the Sharpie bandit. He found my missing (apparently it wasn't forever lost) Sharpie and while I slipped away to put away clothes he decorated our (in his humble opinion) not so glamorous flooring.

{I'm so sad this picture turned out unfocused and blurry. He was so proud of his work when I busted out the camera to document his lovely behavior, he turned and exclaimed "Cheese". The best parenting advice I got, "Don't get mad, take a picture". And so, I did.}

His own special touch of decoration to our house. Thank you Max, you are numero uno at interior decor. Consider yourself fired.

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