Tuesday, August 2, 2011

4 year interview

I think I did this with Mason when he was three. I've seen little templates for yearly interviews with your kids and I love the idea, so the other day we sat down during nap time and got to business.

Age: 4


food: grilled cheese
cereal: cinnamon toast crunch
drink: orange juice
veggie: carrot which was immediately followed by "no!! wait!! i mean grapes" so sticking to carrots..
toy: "I think a ball? Or wait, maybe a train?" For the record Mason doesn't really play with either balls or trains often. Three minutes further in to the interview he was SURE "Buzz Lightyear is my favorite toy. I just know it"
game: uno moo
tv show: wow wow wubzy
restaurant: the tower
holiday: "Valentine's and Halloween. Because I love candy so much. Can I pick more holidays? Like all of them". clearly we like to celebrate.
animal: horse
color: pink and red
movie: "Happy Feet! And Dinosaur Feet (??)"
sport to play: "basketball and soccerball" AKA just soccer.

Questions asked by mama -- Answers by Mason.

If you could change your name, what would it be?

 MAX. Or maybe Joe.
He said Max so quickly it was like he was 100% sure, although maybe someone should explain to him that all siblings can't have one name.

 What do you want to be when you grow up?

A zookeeper.

He's on to something...you know, living in THIS house and all.

Who is your best friend? 

Gracie & Piper.

What do you love about each person in your family?

I love Daddy because he takes me to see Shamu. I love you Mommy because you take me to school. I really like Max, because I love him. I love all my family.

And what about Alexander?

Oh yea! I love him more than I love Max. Oh my gosh, I swear he said this THE MINUTE I asked him about Alexander. No hesitation. Followed by "REALLY, in *real life*". In case you thought the rest of these answers weren't in real life....? Alexander is sleepy and snuggly and chubby, Max just doesn't listen. Amen.

Who is the coolest person on the planet? *said with lots of enthusiam and hope that my name would follow*
*eyes roll* Soooooo easy - MY DADDY!

What makes you happy?

When I'm playing with my daddy. (At this point I wanted to lead the answer elsewhere, because seriously, IS THIS A HOW AWESOME IS MY DADDY INTERVIEW???? Apparently). I however, refrained and these answers are straight up.

What makes you sad?

When no one plays with me.

Where would you like to go on vacation?

The beach! (We've been three times in the last hmm 60 days? Obviously, not enough beach).

What are your wishes for the rest of the year?

That I had a car and that I could stay up way later. And in breaking news, Mason 

1 comment:

  1. Love this! (and stole it for my girls.) so fun. You're awesome at keeping stuff like this. I'm inspired.
