Friday, May 28, 2010

snacking, sharing (or stealing) & standing.

Snacks are a favorite past time in this house. Mason has always been a big snacker, there is not snack food in the world he will turn down - unless you consider a raisin a snack, but be let's be serious. Max is following closely in his big brother's footsteps in his love of snacking. They are die hard snack lovers. If you could be paid for snacking, I'm fairly certain they would both choose a career in it. Max does not even discriminate against raisins, truth be told, they are one of his favorites! Mason much prefers Cheetos, obviously right? And it seems like he prefers them on days he is wearing a white shirt. Perhaps, that is my fault for even purchasing any articles of clothing in white.

So most afternoons we snack outdoors and sometimes they share. And lately they stand. Max is standing! He's been pulling up on furniture for at least two or three months and standing and cruising but in the last ten days he's mastered standing from the ground up all on his own. It's so exciting and he is super proud. He'll often flash us a look of accomplishment, I want to eat the grin off his face he's so damn delicious. Almost as delicious as a Cheetos puff. But maybe not.

Sharing is not a strong point for my kids. I really don't know why! I enforced it early on with Mason even before he had a built in "sharing" buddy [known to some as a baby brother]. Mason is gung-ho to share if it's something he doesn't want. But the real sharing gets ugly. Like a mini WWF series on my living room rug. I usually just watch and laugh, because I'm afraid of getting a chunky baby foot straight to the eye. Really, it's not that bad. They share, well they steal and smirk. The theif gets approximately twenty seconds to gloat and grin and bask in their glory until the robbed brother realizes and attacks the thief.

Snack the most fun to watch.The other day Mason had Cheetos (are we sensing a theme?) and Max had a rice cake. All was well on my front lawn, snacking children are always happy and always quiet and content. Well almost always. Then Mason suggested they share their snacks. I had to do a double take - I looked back over at him and made sure I had given him Cheetos for snack and not grapes. He wants to share with Max? Hmm okay. I think that's a great idea. Mason snuck a bite of rice cake and basked in his glory, flashing me a cheesy (literally) smile.

Max didn't have a clue and the exchange took place a handful of times before Max realized his rice cake was quickly vanishing and his fingers weren't turning orange like Mason's. That's basically how Mason "shares". It was under three minutes before Max understood what was happening - he learns quickly. He copies more quickly than he learns and he stole some Cheetos, only for Mason to steal them back.

Did I mention Max is standing? I probably did - because I brag about my [genius] babies a lot. But that's one of the best perks of parenting thinking or sometimes, knowing, your kids are the coolest, smartest, cutest kids on the planet Earth. Anyway this was a little snapshot of Max conquering his newest trick of standing without any furniture, adult, toddler brother assistance. Step one, put hands firmly on ground to thrust chubby body upward, step two, stand tall and proud for one minute even, step three, WIPE OUT.
So that's what were up to. Snacking, sharing, stealing snacks and a little standing. The boys summer has pretty much started the only S were missing is swimming; Mason's lessons start in a week. He is so excited. We'll be back with swimming pics!

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