Monday, April 12, 2010

a year.

You know how people always say "What a difference a whole year makes". Well, it's true. A year makes a big difference. I mean here's proof.

On another note...last Easter we had one basket full of goodies on our kitchen table. This year we had TWO. Obviously the last year has been full of changes for us. I mean considering a year ago, we were a family of 3, Mason was just two and barely verbal (yeah, 3 is very different), I was very pregnant, we didn't even know Mr. Max yet; hell we didn't even know his name was going to Max! Like I said, full of changes. I think we've had a pretty damn good year. It's been busy and crazy and it's quite a difference from where we were a year ago. But it's been a year of great changes and we've all adjusted wonderfully. Maximo is the biggest difference and the best change of all (obviously right?). It's so hard to believe that last Easter he wasn't raiding Mason's basket and breaking his eggs in half, trying to steal and quickly inhale M&M minis before someone snatched them from him; you know just wreacking havoc of sorts. I can't even begin to fathom our lives without him. Life is a lot less calm a year later, a lot more different, but a lot more fun. Busier? yes. Worth it? hell yes.
Change isn't always bad. This change, over the last year, was totally awesome change. I don't even like change either, in fact change genereally stresses me out, makes me grouchy and unpleasant to be around. I like change to be minimal, but I am pleasantly surprised with how much change we survived and thrived through from last Easter until now. We did it together. We gracefully conquered the challenges and changes, together, the four of us.

Sometimes I try to think of where we'll be in a year? Hopefully we'll have our preschooler in his own bed... Hopefully I'll be graduated and a little less busy, (I'm obviously disregarding the little fact I'll have a 1.5 year old, you know that phase where your constantly busy on mom patrol) and most importantly hopefully we'll be as happy as we are this April. Regardless of where we are, where we're going and where we'll land in a year, we will adjust, it'll be busy and awesome, and totally worth it. And it will be different from this year. That's what makes life so exciting, you really don't know where you'll be (and sometimes who you will be) 365 days from now, so much can change and ineveitably it does. A year makes a difference.

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