Main entry: ty-rant.
Pronunciation: \ˈtī-rənt\
Function: noun
Definition: an absolute ruler unrestrained by law; a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively.This morning I had a little battle of the wills with my always sweet, almost ten month old ball of sunshine (and stubbornness). This kid will not eat if he cannot feed himself. He has now successfully mastered the graceful pincher grasp way of eating and moved on to fist full shoveling manner of cavemen dining. First of all I should have known better with all my motherly wisdom than to offer sugared rings of greatness, often referred to by the general population as Fruit Loops, before offering eggs...or cantaloupe...or peach slush (or puree, whatever you call it).
You better believe the whole house dined on Fruit Loops for breakfast. Happily ever after.
Hahahaha!! This is hilarious :)