Tuesday, November 24, 2009

mark your calendars.

because this day is going down in history. okay what's all my excitement about? five months later i made it to the grocery store with not one, but both boys. i know small feat or is it? for me it was like a space launch. nasa was alerted and so was the local media. i am supermom people. ha ha ha. okay so really, we did go and max protested his carrier within the first 15 minutes after i'd already knocked down a display or apple crisp boxes while mason begged for coke, juice or just one toy. spoiled much? we got about 1/3 of our list, but luckily all our ingredients for dinner! how that worked out i'm still not sure. i swear i have five heads or a crazy facial rash or people just think i'm beautiful (kidding..) because man we get some funky looks. i want to wear a shirt or sign or maybe i need both (for the dual enforcement) that says (and i repeat) PEOPLE HAVE TWO CHILDREN. THESE SAID PEOPLE STILL HAVE TO GROCERY SHOP. AND HEY, GROCERY STORES AREN'T FUN. STOP STARING, MY TWO YEAR OLD WHINES, AND WHAT!?
i'm not bitter or anything. i survived what more could i ask for? how bout some damn apple crisp?

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