Friday, March 11, 2011

what were up to.

Enjoying the sunshine.

Chalk and bubbles.
{Mason does most of the writing and drawing and chalking. Max is our chalk taste tester. Yum.}

More bubbles.

And more chalk.

Baby laundry. 

Little Gym and swim class. Movies and popcorn. Sometimes we stay in our pajamas until it's time to get in to a new pair. Sometimes we watch cartoons or movies all day long.

Eating as many ice pops as humanly possible in each sitting.

We are just soaking up our time together. Enjoying the days as they drag or fly by. Together. Anxiously awaiting our newest little man's arrival. Anticipating him, hoping he doesn't make us wait too much longer, but just long enough.

Our days are uneventful, but our weeks are full of fun.

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