Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 rewind.

Another year flew past. Just like that we laughed through a 12 full months, worked hard and played even harder for 52 weeks, drank a warm cup of coffee for 365 mornings. Now it's done, the entire year is over. Here's a rewind of our awesome 2010.

January - We did a lot of outdoor adventures. The zoo, the park, the front yard even became a play
date. Outside was what made (and still makes) the boys happy. Sunshine and smiles.

February - Mason turned THREE. In dino-mite fashion. He bounced his little heart out, we ate delicious pizza and sang to the king of all things sprinkled. This was the month we said goodbye to our beloved pacifier. Yes, my child had his "mimi" until he was three. And truthfully, this good riddance was only brought on by our first trip to the dentist.


 March - We experienced our first Disney trip, the four of us! We made our way to Laguna beach and soaked up the sun, Max dined on some sand, and we left California a little happier than when we arrived. Mickey rocks, basically.

April - This month resulted in more park dates. It's basically the theme of my year. But April, was ALL about the golden egg. Not only did we hunt eggs on Easter morning, but we got to scavenge for eggs all month long, requested by none other than Mason.

May - One of my favorite months ever. Summer starts to play peek-a-boo with consistent sun, fresh tan lines and lots of swimming. Mother's day brunch was another hit, the boys rocked their fancy little get ups. And a miracle of all miracles, I have a picture of me with BOTH my children LOOKING at the camera. Happy May!

June - Our sweet baby turns ONE. His first year was a blur. Filled with fun, snuggles, robust cheeks to devour and not one single haircut. Mason selected his party theme - pirates. The party was a hit, for both the littles and the parents.We had a no kids trip to Vancouver that was a total blast and a much enjoyed weekend of relaxation. Mason learned to swim floatie free.

July - We made our yearly trip to the beach with tons of our cousins. So much fun. Smores and fireworks abound! We got a little {huge surprise}.... baby # 3 is on board!

August - And then, just like that August crept up on us and we were back to school. Mason rocked a new spiked 'do and daily routine was back in action. Back in the grind, it seemed like Fall, but still felt like Summer.

September- I can't remember a single detail about September. Well, besides my birthday and the extreme heat.

October - Mason's first official soccer game! The boys were ecstatic about Halloween. And they looked pretty damn awesome if I do say so myself. Our big ultrasound reveals baby number three is another sweet boy.

November - So much to be thankful for. Turkey on overload. A backyard mishap, resulting in our first broken bone (actually 2, Mase does it big). A neon green cast, a not so happy Mason.

December - And here it ends. Christmas was a delight. We are two thirds of the way to our new little man. Mason and Max act like full on siblings, with laughter and wrestling between the two daily. Mason's cast comes off - all healed up! Santa is shunned. I graduate {finally}. Celebrate good times.

Somewhere within our busy year, we all turned another year older, we all celebrated each other. We snuggled together. Mason learned to sleep in his own bed. So did Max. Max started walking and totally came in to his own little being. We are anxious yet, hesitant to move forward to a new year. 2011 is promising many changes and adjustments which I'm hopeful are as wonderful as 2010's.

So, there is our rewind. It's just at tiny glimpse back in to a year of us. Fun and chaotic. Accomplishments from all. One things for certain, it's was a year worth remembering. Cheers to 2011 & a Happy New Year.

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