Tuesday, August 31, 2010

favorites. edition 3.5

This month Mason turned three and a half. Half years aren't that big of a deal right? UNLESS YOU'RE THREE. Because then you totally have that one up on the kid at the playground who is just three, or three and one-quarter. Totally.

I did my bi-annual questionnaire on Mase man to see what his favorites where. These are all straight from the mouth of a 3.5 year old. No guessing from mama, all topics were asked and answered. Unedited and live.

  • Food: Cereal *
  • Animal: Dinosaur **
  • TV show: Wow Wow Wubzy, I really love that show mommy. Can I watch it right now?
  • Color: Green.
  • Toy: The computer. ***
  • Movie: Toy Story ****
  • Sport: Tennis. *****
  • Number: "Free, because I'm free mommy". Why naturally.
  • Snack: Crackers with cheese. I love cheese.
  • Fruit: Grapes.
  • Vegetable: Umm, I don't willy wike veg-ables. But maybe a tomato. ******
  • Friend: Hanna.
I threw in some gimmes for fun.
  1. "Who's your favorite Mommy?" His response was "You, because you are my only mommy, mommy". Got me there.
  2. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" First he said a fire ENGINE. That's right...not a fireman. But with some coaching I'm writing a fireman.

*Cinnamon Toast Crunch to be specific.

**But only a T-Rex.

*** He is for real. This kid would play on nickjr.com for hours if we let him. It's a sick obsession, but sometimes it's the only way I can shower in peace.

**** He's lying, he doesn't love Toy Story - he does like it a lot, but no way would I say it's his fave. Okay, okay, right, this isn't about me. Apparently it's about buzz...and woody.


****** this is where I totally deny having any knowledge that a tomato might actually, really be a fruit. NONSENSE. Because then, I'd have to admit taht my kid doesn't eat ANY veg-ables.

And that will be my last post for August, glad I made it. Because in September he's 3 and 7/12ths ;)

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