I did my bi-annual questionnaire on Mase man to see what his favorites where. These are all straight from the mouth of a 3.5 year old. No guessing from mama, all topics were asked and answered. Unedited and live.
- Food: Cereal *
- Animal: Dinosaur **
- TV show: Wow Wow Wubzy, I really love that show mommy. Can I watch it right now?
- Color: Green.
- Toy: The computer. ***
- Movie: Toy Story ****
- Sport: Tennis. *****
- Number: "Free, because I'm free mommy". Why naturally.
- Snack: Crackers with cheese. I love cheese.
- Fruit: Grapes.
- Vegetable: Umm, I don't willy wike veg-ables. But maybe a tomato. ******
- Friend: Hanna.
- "Who's your favorite Mommy?" His response was "You, because you are my only mommy, mommy". Got me there.
- "What do you want to be when you grow up?" First he said a fire ENGINE. That's right...not a fireman. But with some coaching I'm writing a fireman.
*Cinnamon Toast Crunch to be specific.
**But only a T-Rex.
*** He is for real. This kid would play on nickjr.com for hours if we let him. It's a sick obsession, but sometimes it's the only way I can shower in peace.
**** He's lying, he doesn't love Toy Story - he does like it a lot, but no way would I say it's his fave. Okay, okay, right, this isn't about me. Apparently it's about buzz...and woody.
****** this is where I totally deny having any knowledge that a tomato might actually, really be a fruit. NONSENSE. Because then, I'd have to admit taht my kid doesn't eat ANY veg-ables.
And that will be my last post for August, glad I made it. Because in September he's 3 and 7/12ths ;)
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