Tuesday, February 23, 2010



Guess what?! You are EIGHT months old today. As in...eight, right, not a typo. Psh. Don't think I am allowing the next month to fly by so quickly. I mean I control your life because I'm your mother, remember that when your five or seventeen. Oh by the way, hello you are not five or seventeen years old, please stop STANDING on my furniture like your some show off toddler, because you are NOT. I mean I know you think you deserve a drivers license and a 12-pack of corona, but umm, no. Even though you are eight months old, your still a bitty, well my bitty.

I swear I birthed a teething, crawling infant. It seems like Mason was a baby for SO long, you were born and now your all wild and huge. Not to mention extremely mobile. I could totally handle you just relaxing. I mean lets go ahead and quadruple my work. I no longer need a vacuum. It's a miracle. You pick up the smallest, most non-existent crumbs. You make me feel like our rug could be on Hoarders. Stop growing, pretty please. Oh better yet, just slow down. I guess it wouldn't fare well to be a 17 pound first grader. I'm going to create a freeze your baby potion and become a billionaire. I have a few mom friends who'd invest.

I guess I'll take the trade off of adorable smiles for the sleepless newborn nights. Oh wait a sec...there was no trade off in our world. Meaning I'm getting jipped. I admit sometimes you are extra cute and cuddly in the middle of the night, I guess that's nature's way of ensuring mother's actually tend to their screaming babies in the middle of the night-extra cuteness. Who can resist dimples, even at 3 AM? I mean really you have my permission, my blessing, whatever you need, to start sleeping through the night though, promise. Maybe I need a potion for that too. I'll be a trillionaire, because one thing parents like more than teensy cuddly, newborns, is sleeping-all -night infants and children.

It's true, I love you when your sleeping but I love you more awake. Don't go getting any ideas...keep napping like a champ. You nap so good I think you could win a Gold. Obviously napping should be a winter Olympic event. What else is there to do in the winter? Sleeping and smiling. Sounds like a good winter to mama. I basically want to shrink you down and put you in my pocket and keep you this sweet, loving-life, happiest-baby-on-the-block, baby boy, Maximo. I know it's not an option so I'll relish all the snuggles and snotty nosed slobbered kisses and the midnight wakings (sigh) today. Not tomorrow, not next month.

Stay awesome and adorable, munchkin.

Loving you,

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