Monday, February 1, 2010


oh my, my, my sweet mister mason, you my dear are 28 lbs of pure energy. i swear someone is slipping you red bull and espresso shots in your sleep. from the minute you wake up until the very second you close your eyes you are moving, nonstop. actually, you even move in your sleep. you practically kickbox my ribs all night long. this is why in 14 days the agreement (i need you to sign a contract) is for you to be in your own bed. that's a whole 'nother story though.

you need nonstop fun for your nonstop energy and well i just can't keep up. it's a good thing, a damn good thing, i didn't wait until my mid 30s to have you because i'd need more than red bulls and espresso shots to deal. i'd need a nanny, who was seven and on crack. seriously you have major energy. when this intense vigor you possess isn't channeled correctly, things get ugly. sometimes you wake up at 8:05 and by 8:15 it looks like a tornado ran through our living room. energy. activity. zip. zing. zest. pep. spirit. mason.

so we joined little gym and for one hour one day a week, you are entertained to the fullest. the give you a run for your money. you zip and zing. you are full of zest. you have a total blast.

you are daring. you are fearless. you are adventerous. you are determined, balanced, patient and resilient.
you are strong and are silly. humorous. youthful. a pure joy. you are rewarding. you are grand. you are proud. and so am i.

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