Saturday, January 30, 2010

city girl.

i'll keep it short and sweet, i'm a city girl. simple as that. now don't get me wrong, i don't need to live in new york city (big lights will inspire you, ear-worm!, sorry who can resist alicia keys?), but i like access to paved roads and the convenience of a starbucks or target (let's get real, we don't even have to choose!) on every street corner. i don't mind traffic, really i don't, unless someone hasn't napped in 6 days or there's a hungry infant screeching at the top of his, very powerful, lungs. so sue me, i loathe traffic. but i don't mind the city.

well two weeks ago my city peeps headed to the country. the hill country that is. we went to fish and feed fresh produce to llamas and donkeys (i am not kidding), we went to get some fresh air and hang out. just us. no tv's and computers. no busy schedule, a few paved roads and no target. just us and the know what? we had a blast. we were busy the entire time we were there but we did nothing but relax. we had so much fun. the llama was a hit, even though we stood afar while brave aunt emma did the feeding. we only caught one fish, but it was bigger than mason and max, maybe even combined. we threw him back.part of me kept thinking "it would be so awesome to raise the boys on a place like this, in the country". rewind. the country? seriously marci? you are going to raise boys in the country? okay, okay, i got a little blinded by the fun. it was fun. seriously. i enjoyed my fresh air, i enjoyed us, i enjoyed the calm, quiet country. so maybe, just maybe, i could live on a farm,
so long as this guy didn't.for what it's worth, even the hillcountry has starbucks. so maybe i could be cut out for that.
seriously mom, you are going to move to the country??
okay, even max called my bluff; BUT it was so. much. fun.

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