Thursday, December 17, 2009


my bliss list:

  1. two well napped babies. preferably at the same time.
  2. clean sheets.
  3. a long, hot, steamy shower.
  4. a frothy caramel latte that i had nothing to do with "cooking".
  5. sushi takeout.
  6. capturing the perfect picture.
  7. christmas tree smell, REAL tree, that I don't have.
  8. the way your skin feels when you sunbathe; warm, yummy, intoxicating.
  9. a pedicure.
  10. NOT having to listen to the Little People CD in the car. on repeat, times 100.

i'm going to create bliss lists for the boys, based on my super power of infant and toddler mind reading. i created them so i can read their minds. kind of. basically.

mason's bliss list:

  1. mcdonalds.
  2. orange juice mixed with apple juice. "mix it mommyyyyy, mix it"
  3. toys, the smaller the better; 1,000 pieces fantastic, let's clutter our not so huge house a little more, greaaaaat.
  5. no napping. ever. no bedtime, please and thanks.
  6. dips. ranch plus ketchup with a side of mustard and queso, pronto.
  7. dinosaurs and trains. thank you PBS for Dinosaur Train. genius.
  8. being naked.
  9. screaming. shrieking. laughing like a wicked munchkin from charlie and the chocolate factory. any noise making in decibels that will wake up his napping brother.
  10. listening to LITTLE PEOPLE CD ON REPEAT. times 100.

incidentally our number 10s don't exactly mesh. how ironic. i mean listening to mason sing "she'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes, yee haw" is precious, really it is. you know who wins this battle. he does, we listen over and over and over and OVER AGAIN. but after the tenth time, not so much. i'd really like to shove chopsticks in my ears by then.

can't we listen to some third eye blind or dave matthews? i'd even settle for miley cyrus. BUT PUHHH-LEASEEE NO MORE LITTLE PEOPLE SOUNDTRACKS, NO MORE KID MUSIC.

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