Wednesday, October 21, 2009

carseat hate.

max hates his carseat. majorly loathes it. if he isn't already asleep before being put in to it, major shit fest. he isn't one of those babes that falls asleep in the car or that you can take in the car to soothe. TOTAL opposite. this creates quite a dilemma seeing how it is we are in the car A LOT. i feel so bad for big m because it stresses him out. who can blame him? i need a vodka iv drip just to get to the grocery store, which is not even .5 miles from our house, but i guess that's irrelevant since a.) it's illegal and b.) i never grocery shop w/ my kids. EVER. talk about needing vodka.

yesterday on our way to visit ita a damn light was out. the intersection had about thirty construction workers and cops trying to figure out the problem. all the while, NOT directing traffic. isn't that a cops favorite part of his job? standing in the street telling you noooo you can't drive or sure go ahead even though the light is red. so tell us what to do mr. cop man, do something, for the love of god. max was screaming the entire ride prior to the light fiasco and you better believe he screamed all 20 minutes of being idled at the light. oh please save us.

mason finally looked at me and said "mommy we GOTTA get another bebe, dis one cwies too much". which is ironic because in reality max never cries, unless were driving, which i guess contradicts my first statement, since we drive alot. am i confusing you yet?

i just laughed when big m suggested returning his brother for another baby. what else do you do? try and explain to a two year old that the hospital policy is "you birth 'em, you buy 'em". yes mason that means we cannot exchange max. we can not give him back. we're keeping him. kind of like i kept you no matter how many times you shrieked in the car. no matter how many times i tripped over a damn little people figurines in my rush to go pee. i kept you no matter how many cheerios you smooshed deep in to my juice stained carpet. someday he'll stop screaing in the car honey. someday i won't want to shove sharp pencils in to my ears just to drive down the street. today i may rather walk to the park or the grocery store or even to freakin' california. because our car rides are not fun. but we're keeping out baby. next time you request "another baby" it will be in the form of another sibling; not a different one-we'll still having the screamer. maybe 2?

xoxo she who would rather walk.

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried another carseat? I have heard of a lot of moms (Monica, maybe) that had this problem and then they put the baby in a different seat and it was all better. I hope it gets better for you and him and Mason for that matter, soon.
