Friday, May 6, 2011

Dentist trip.

We had our regular dentist cleaning trip this week. I took both big boys. We survived. And I even got some pictures. I know, I know, shocking.

 {Mason was that thrilled...and then bribed with $1 to smile, but of course Max looked away *sigh*}

This was Max's first trip. He surprised me and did GREAT. He kept showing me his pearly whites all day after. He's a toothbrush lover and so his goodie bag including a new one was like a bag of GOLD.


  • The other day I was rushed getting ready for Mason's school Easter egg hunt. I had no more than ten minutes to get both Alexander and myself presentable, grab Mason's basket, load Max and be out the door. I slid my closet door open and lo and behold a maxi dress. PERFECT. Maybe it will look like I haven't been bathed in newborn spit up and showered this week. Mason anxiously walked in the room to ask when we were leaving. He did a double take and asked, "Mommy, why are you wearing that shirt? Are you getting married today?" Apparently I should probably try to get dressed in something besides a t shirt or pajamas in the next six weeks.
  • Mason had a huge growth spurt recently so almost all of his clothes aren't fitting. I took the opportunity to take him shopping, just the two of us. He loved it. He insisted on picking out all his own clothes. For the first time I had little to no say in his wardrobe. Thankfully - homeboy has some style. As we were checking out at Gap he grabbed some really adorable aviator style glasses and declared "Oh my gosh Mommy, I have GOT TO HAVE THESE". Later, we were trying on swimsuits, we'd already picked one, but I saw another really cute one (you can never have too many swimsuits!!) and instead of going all the way back to the dressing rooms I told him to just hurry and try it on right there. He obliged and undressed himself down to some cute Spiderman undies - a lady passed by with her daughter and Mason looked at me with red cheeks and said "AWKWARD". I was dying of laughter. He's quite the sass.
  • After a long day of boating Michael had jokingly told Mason he was SO hungry he was going to eat Max. Instead of being sad, confused or slightly worried for his younger brother Mason was so excited to eat him also. When they walked back in to the condo at the lake he exclaimed proudly "Mommy start up the fire, were gonna grill up Max and EAT HIM". He was DEAD SERIOUS. I even had to tell him that Michael was just kidding. He pouted and said "Please let's grill him up Mommy!!!" I agree - Max is DELICIOUSLY adorable, but we will NOT be eating our little brother today Mase. Sorry kiddo. 
  • Mason's class had their Easter lunch/party a few weeks ago. I took all three of the boys so it was a little hectic, because Max runs amok like the classroom is his palace. I recently learned (from our Fiesta party outing) that it wasn't really realistic to have Max walking, while I fed Alexander next to the parking lot. I came prepared this time, Max in stroller and a bottle ready for baby. Towards the end of the lunch and egg hunt, Alexander got a little fussy so I got his bottle out and started feeding him. Mason - the proud big brother he is - started telling all his little friends about his new baby and how he cries a lot, sometimes he laughs (but he really doesn't) and how he eats ALL THE TIME (he really does). Out of nowhere Mason's raspy voice started to get a little louder, a little louder, and then boom in full on yell he exclaims "...and sometimes my mommy feeds that baby with her NIPPLES". Inside voice Mase, INSIDE VOICE.